Chiropractic Adjustments
Take your health to the next level with our services.
Get a head start on your health by strengthening your body, and treat existing conditions to heal and recover faster while increasing strength and endurance.
Improve your overall health
Chiropractic care services improve your health and strengthen your body.
The chiropractic adjustment is the most important service in our office where everything else builds upon. The chiropractor applies a short quick input into the joints correcting the misalignment of the bone. Its main objective is the correction of subluxation removing nerve interference by releasing pressure on the nerves and increasing range of motion. Now, a subluxation has many components that need to be addressed. To better serve your health needs, please contact us so we can conduct an evaluation to determine the best course of action for your health.
As we know everything in life is a process, so we have designed our chiropractic care around delineating some of those processes in stages to tailor them to your needs. We’re all at a different stage of life and it would be foolish to think what works for a young athlete is going to be the same as a pro athlete or a person getting into their golden age. By starting care on the corrective stage, we will set the groundwork and improve your foundations so we can build our bodies from the ground up. In the rebuild stage, we will strengthen our body by working on the 6 pillars of health so we can build up a strong more connected body. In the express level of care, you have achieved a high level of wellness and now is the perfect opportunity to reach higher to work on the goals you’ve always thought were impossible. The Express level of care is not offered during regular business hours it’s been designed for a select group of clients that graduated from the initial levels of care and are ready for the next transition. This level of care is offered once a month in a separately scheduled event and you must be an ELC graduate to attend.
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Call us (954) 769-1585

Dr. Elaine and Dr. David are miracle workers and an essential part of my wellness regimen! Highly recommend Express Life for everyone seeking to add an extra special component of health and well-being to their lives.
Elaine and David are an awesome couple with a mission to help the community become aware of their health and helping them become healthier. I never recognized how unaligned my back was, my posture and how all that was connected to my health. Since visiting them 9 months ago, I saw myself walking taller, less back issues, especially less back fatigue, and best of all, more energy. They provided a plan to achieve my health goals with an easy payment plan that I can afford. They have become family to me who have been there for me with great advice and guidance. You couldn’t ask for a better chiropractor team. Thank You!!! Xoxo
It’s time to “turn your power on”!
Discover how we can help you
Our team is here for you!
Call us (954) 769-1585