Take your health to the next level with our services.
Begin your life expressing health through chiropractic
Pediatric chiropractic for an optimal expression of life
Begin your life journey expressing health

Pediatric Chiropractic
Services and Care
Chiropractic care for children is gentle and safe, removing nerve interference and tension on the spine allowing your child’s body to self-heal and self-regulate.
At Express Life, we don’t check and adjust children because something is wrong, but because we want to ensure that everything is right.
Before the end of a child’s second year, their neural development at its highest. The child’s neuroplasticity remains highly influenceable till the age of 16. Protecting the health of the nervous system at an early age optimizes the body’s ability to adapt to stress.
Our focus at Express Life Chiropractic is to support the wellbeing of families and future generations to be the best expression of themselves.
Chiropractic makes its most powerful impact on children. We prefer aiding parents in raising healthy children instead of waiting years down the line to fix broken adults, which is why taking care of your child’s nervous system is the number one priority.
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Ever since birth, our spine is subject to a myriad of forces and stresses which can cause misalignments. Beginning with the position of the baby there may be significant implications in the development of the spine. On the other hand, modern birthing procedures include awkward positions leading to difficult births resulting in cesarian deliveries among other practices such as forceps or vacuum extractions which puts a lot of stress on the spine.
Also, repeated falls, poor posture, high-level athletics, chemicals in food, and emotional stress can affect the kid’s spine and nervous system creating issues like but not limited to:
- Asthma
- Colics
- Constipation
- Torticollis
- Bedwetting
- Eczema
- Ear infections
- Poor concentration (such as ADD/ADHD)
- Hyperactivity
- Frequent colds and allergies
- Headaches
- Poor Balance
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Painful menstruation